Collaboration Between Tajiri Anzuya and Sharano-Ki Leads to the Development of a New Pâte de Fruits Confection


Tajiri Anzuya, a company involved in the cultivation and processing of apricots, has recently collaborated with the pastry shop Sharano-Ki to develop a new confection called “Pâte de Fruits,” using their ripest apricots, known as “Kofuku Maru.” This juicy jelly-like confection is made from fruit puree, capturing apricots’ delightful aroma and refreshing acidity.

Successful Test Sales and Upcoming Release: The product quickly sold out after conducting test sales of 25 units at events such as the “Tajiri Anzu Matsuri” and a local market. They schedule the next release for mid-April, with a short shelf life of two weeks. Due to the limited quantity (50 units),  reservations through their Instagram account (ID: tajiri_anzuya). Collaborative Product Line: Tajiri Anzuya actively engages in collaborative product planning with hotels and stores. Their flagship product, the Apricot Jam (120g, ¥3,780 including tax), is made exclusively from Tajiri-grown apricots and beet granulated sugar from Hokkaido. They are also working on developing confections with “Tsutino-Toi Shokai,” a confectionery store in Onomichi City, including one featuring amber sugar.

The History of Apricot Cultivation in Tajiri: Apricot cultivation in Tajiri began approximately 340 years ago. With fruit orchards dotted in the entire town, and every year during the blooming season in March, the “Tajiri Anzu Matsuri” takes place, attracting visitors with concerts and food stalls. To enhance the recognition of Tajiri-grown apricots, Mr. Kobayashi, the 54-year-old representative (pictured below), has taken over neglected apricot fields and now cultivates around 110 trees. Despite experiencing a poor harvest last year, their goal for this year is to harvest 200 kg and work towards product development. The apricots from Tajiri are known for their larger size compared to those from other regions, as well as their pronounced acidity, delightful aroma, and refreshing sweet-tartness.

Availability and Future Events: The products from Tajiri Anzuya are available for purchase at the monthly “Tomo-Shiomachi Light Truck Market” held in Tomo-cho, Fukuyama City, and through their online shop(For sale in Japan only). Conclusion: Tajiri Anzuya’s collaboration with Sharano-Ki has created an exquisite apricot-based confection, Pâte de Fruits. Through their dedication to apricot cultivation and a focus on environmentally friendly practices, Tajiri Anzuya aims to promote the recognition of their locally grown apricots. Don’t miss the opportunity to savor their unique apricot products available at various events and their online shop.